In Engagement Ring Box, Hide Engagement Ring, How to Propose, Proposal Ideas, Proposal Stories, Ring Stash, Slim Ring Box

People love surprises, especially when it’s something they’ve been wanting for a long time. That’s why it’s vitally important that when you’re about to propose marriage, you keep your plans and the way you go about it a surprise.

Ring Stash Thin Engagement Ring Box Open

So how do you go about doing that? First of all, do yourself a favor and order a ring box from Ring Stash. A Ring Stash will ensure that on the day of your proposal, your partner will not see a huge bulge in your shirt or pants pocket that she’ll ask you about.

Imagine how awful it would be if your girlfriend discovered the ring before you actually got to your proposal surprise. All the work that you put into the location, setup, and story will be ruined because of it.

The next thing that you would want to do is to come up with a way to surprise her and then build anticipation.

How to Surprise Her

One great way to surprise her is to use her friends as a decoy. Your girlfriend will never suspect you have something planned out if all she knows is that she’s going out with her girlfriends that day. When she sees you at the location you have planned it will be a complete surprise.

Build Anticipation

Once the surprise element has been met, then you can add a little bit of anticipation to the moment to make the emotions stronger. This can be done by describing your feelings towards her before you propose. Something as simple as a long pause to take in the moment is also a great idea.

I cannot stress enough how important the surprise element is to a proposal. The best way to get that is to have a Ring Stash, have a solid proposal plan, and create anticipation. Make sure to get the first step out of the way by getting your Ring Stash today and then work on getting the perfect proposal plan for your partner.