In Engagement Ring Box, Hide Engagement Ring, How to Propose, Ring Stash, Thin Engagement Ring Box

Traveling to a destination for a marriage proposal is actually pretty common. Couples love to go on vacation and then take the next step in their relationship once they’re there. But a big question I’ve heard a lot of guys ask is “How do I hide the engagement ring through airport security?”. Well have no fear, I’m going to give you some awesome tips today on how to do exactly that.

Ring Stash Thin Engagement Ring Box Open

Secure it to a Proper Engagement Ring Box

First of all, don’t try to take the engagement ring with you without a box. You’re going to be nervous enough and if you don’t have it in a box, there’s more of a chance that it can slip out of your luggage and potentially get lost. Heavens No! Be sure to get a slim engagement ring box from Ring Stash as it will both protect your ring and also be low-profile enough to be hidden easily.

Don’t Hide it on Yourself

Since you will be traveling with your partner, you don’t want to run the risk of having airport security ask you to take it out. How awful would it be if your girlfriend is watching you and security discover the ring? It’s almost impossible to play it off if she sees the ring so you may be forced to propose at the airport. That would be the worst. story. ever.

Carry-On Versus Check-In

Some people think that placing the ring in their checked-in bag is the safest bet. But have you ever lost your bags on flight? I have and believe me, you don’t want to run the risk of this happening on this important trip with this every important item. Carry-on is the best option for you.

Place it Well Hidden or Inside Something In Your Luggage

Since Ring Stash doesn’t contain any metal parts, it won’t attract too much attention through metal detector screenings. Put the ring box in a sock or some other type of clothing (away from electronics). Put it in something that your girlfriend won’t question, like socks or inside a shirt. By doing this it won’t attract too much attention whenever you open your bag and your girlfriend may be glancing over.

With these tips you’ll be sure to get across airport security with your ring safely secured. Once you get to your destination, you can easily carry the ring with you because Ring Stash is compact enough to be hidden easily on your clothing. You won’t have to worry about cleaning people taking it or you misplacing it. You will enjoy your vacation and proposal day without this stress. Get your Ring Stash today!